What is a PayLink?

A PayLink is a versatile tool that allows businesses to accept payments easily and securely through a unique web link or QR code. Learn how PayLinks can streamline your payment process and enhance customer convenience.

A PayLink is a simple yet powerful tool that allows businesses to easily receive payments from their clients. Essentially, a PayLink is a unique web link or QR code that can be shared via email, on your website, or even through social media. When your customers click on this link, they are directed to a customized secure payment gateway where they can enter the payment amount and complete the transaction with the payment methods selected by the merchant.

TIP: When creating a PayLink, merchants can choose whether the transaction amount is fixed or entered by the customer, as well as select which payment methods are accepted (credit cards and/or ACH/EFT).

PayLink details

This method offers flexibility and convenience, enabling businesses to streamline the payment process without needing to handle sensitive payment information directly. PayLinks are particularly useful for businesses that need to send invoices, accept payments for services, or provide an easy payment option for customers on their websites.

For more details on how to set up your own PayLink, check out our article on creating a PayLink and QR code.

Creating a PayLink

By using PayLinks on the Cashflow.io platform, you can quickly generate and share these links or QR codes, making it easier than ever for your customers to pay you. Merchants can choose between a fixed transaction amount or let the customer enter the amount, providing a seamless and efficient payment solution.

To see how PayLinks can be used effectively in different scenarios, you can explore our guide on Popular Use Cases for PayLinks.

Example Paylink